Login or create a new account
To get started with Prventi, create a free account on Prventi.com and verify the linked email address.
Every person who uses Prventi needs an account to sign-in to access the services. This account is the identity linked to the services and has a username and profile.
Create a new account
Navigate to https://prventi.com.
Click Try it for free.
Click on the preferred account creation method: Continue with Apple, Continue with Google or Continue with an email address.
Continue with Apple
Click on "Continue with Apple" and follow the prompts.
For more information about Sign in with Apple see https://support.apple.com/102379
Continue with Google
Click on "Continue with Google" and follow the prompts.
For more information about Sign in with Google see https://support.google.com/accounts/answer/12849458
Continue with an email address
Type in a valid email address.
Click Continue.
Check your inbox - An activation link is sent to the email address entered. (Check the spam folder if you don't see it in the inbox)
Click on the Sign in button in the email sent from no-reply@mailer.prventi.com.
Click on the Continue to your account button.
Follow the promts to complete account creation.
The activation link will expire after 15 mins. Do not forward this email to prevent unauthorise acess to the account.
Last updated